Using the rounded silhouettes of “G” and “L” combined with the imagery of rice as the primary visual, an eye motif is incorporated to convey the concept of seeing a better life through ”GOOD LIFE”. The main color scheme is based on the grayscale of white rice, complemented by vibrant colors like red, yellow, green, blue, and purple, with gold representing golden rice ears, emphasizing the rich aroma of white rice and the colorful world it reveals. Halftone patterns are used to create multicolored rice grains, paired with large areas of whitespace (white rice gray), symbolizing the simplicity of life with hidden highlights waiting to be discovered.

榖萊GOOD LIFE意為看見好生活的眼睛。以食品創新企業的思維,朝智慧創新技術發展,冀望成為米食界代工領導品牌,以高效率智能生產製造模式提供各品牌業者之米食產品代工,滿足目前坊間未被滿足需求之藍海,致力成為乾燥米飯及相關米食產品研發、智能生產製造及銷售的頂尖米食製造商。
”GOOD LIFE” represents the “eyes that see a better life.” With the mindset of a food innovation enterprise, it strives for development through intelligent and innovative technology, aspiring to become a leading OEM brand in the rice food industry. By adopting a highly efficient, intelligent production and manufacturing model, ”GOOD LIFE” provides OEM services for rice-based products to various brands, addressing unmet market demands and exploring new opportunities in the blue ocean market. It is dedicated to becoming a top-tier manufacturer specializing in the research, intelligent production, and sales of dried rice and related rice-based products.

我們從品牌的命名和標語「DO THE RICE THING, DO THE THINGS RIGHT.米の事、我の事」中獲得靈感,決定將廣告視覺的核心元素定為「米」和「智慧創新技術」。穀萊不僅僅是一個普通的食品製造商,它代表的是一種新的飲食生活方式,以及對於智慧創新技術在食品產業中的應用。穀萊的目標是透過乾燥米飯及相關米食產品的研發、智能生產製造和銷售,滿足市場上尚未被滿足的需求,為消費者帶來更便捷、健康的新米食生活。
Inspired by the brand name and slogan, “DO THE RICE THING, DO THE THINGS RIGHT. 米の事、我の事”, we have decided to make “rice” and “intelligent innovative technology” the core elements of our advertising visuals. ”GOOD LIFE” is not just an ordinary food manufacturer—it represents a new lifestyle centered on rice-based cuisine and the application of intelligent innovation in the food industry. ”GOOD LIFE” aims to meet currently unmet market demands through the research, intelligent production, and sales of dried rice and related rice-based products, bringing consumers a more convenient and healthier way to enjoy rice.

Using the rounded silhouettes of “G” and “L” combined with the imagery of rice as the primary visual, an eye motif is incorporated to convey the concept of seeing a better life through ”GOOD LIFE”. The main color scheme is based on the grayscale of white rice, complemented by vibrant colors like red, yellow, green, blue, and purple, with gold representing golden rice ears, emphasizing the rich aroma of white rice and the colorful world it reveals. Halftone patterns are used to create multicolored rice grains, paired with large areas of whitespace (white rice gray), symbolizing the simplicity of life with hidden highlights waiting to be discovered.

榖萊GOOD LIFE意為看見好生活的眼睛。以食品創新企業的思維,朝智慧創新技術發展,冀望成為米食界代工領導品牌,以高效率智能生產製造模式提供各品牌業者之米食產品代工,滿足目前坊間未被滿足需求之藍海,致力成為乾燥米飯及相關米食產品研發、智能生產製造及銷售的頂尖米食製造商。
”GOOD LIFE” represents the “eyes that see a better life.” With the mindset of a food innovation enterprise, it strives for development through intelligent and innovative technology, aspiring to become a leading OEM brand in the rice food industry. By adopting a highly efficient, intelligent production and manufacturing model, ”GOOD LIFE” provides OEM services for rice-based products to various brands, addressing unmet market demands and exploring new opportunities in the blue ocean market. It is dedicated to becoming a top-tier manufacturer specializing in the research, intelligent production, and sales of dried rice and related rice-based products.

我們從品牌的命名和標語「DO THE RICE THING, DO THE THINGS RIGHT.米の事、我の事」中獲得靈感,決定將廣告視覺的核心元素定為「米」和「智慧創新技術」。穀萊不僅僅是一個普通的食品製造商,它代表的是一種新的飲食生活方式,以及對於智慧創新技術在食品產業中的應用。穀萊的目標是透過乾燥米飯及相關米食產品的研發、智能生產製造和銷售,滿足市場上尚未被滿足的需求,為消費者帶來更便捷、健康的新米食生活。
Inspired by the brand name and slogan, “DO THE RICE THING, DO THE THINGS RIGHT. 米の事、我の事”, we have decided to make “rice” and “intelligent innovative technology” the core elements of our advertising visuals. ”GOOD LIFE” is not just an ordinary food manufacturer—it represents a new lifestyle centered on rice-based cuisine and the application of intelligent innovation in the food industry. ”GOOD LIFE” aims to meet currently unmet market demands through the research, intelligent production, and sales of dried rice and related rice-based products, bringing consumers a more convenient and healthier way to enjoy rice.