Hachiyo tea business strategy and CIS design

八曜和茶=爸要喝茶-以諧音梗串連了品牌的主軸,不僅印象深刻且帶有幽默感,還能引起共鳴,能夠成功帶動品牌。 「如果,連爸爸都會喝的茶,就是好茶」因為許多人都有父親喜歡喝茶的印象,以此增加品牌核心認同,將八曜和風茶新文化與上下世代記憶統一溝通,更容易引起目標受眾的共鳴感。
「打造和風茶新世代-自然健康、無咖啡因的八曜日」連帶串聯商業品牌操作和線下的宣傳活動,讓人感受十足驚豔。 大刀國際團隊更將諧音行銷梗的優勢結合「娛樂價值和分享性」,並透過「共同詼諧點增加共鳴感」、「通過社群特性增加互動性」。在社群上創造精采的內容和素材,引導受眾對品牌產生好感和認同。
“八曜和茶=爸要喝茶” cleverly links the brand’s main theme through homophonic wordplay. Not only is it memorable and humorous, but it also resonates well, successfully driving the brand forward.
“If even dad drinks it, then it’s good tea.” Because many people have the impression that fathers enjoy drinking tea, this increases brand identity and unifies the communication of Eight Dao Japanese-style tea with intergenerational memories, making it easier to resonate with the target audience. “Creating a new generation of Japanese-style tea – the natural, caffeine-free Eight Dao Days” connects commercial branding operations and offline promotional activities, leaving a lasting impression.
The Da Dao International team combines the advantages of homophonic marketing with “entertainment value and shareability,” and through “shared humor points to increase resonance” and “increased interactivity through community characteristics.” They create exciting content and materials on social media, guiding the audience to develop a fondness and affinity for the brand.

Produced|Hachiyo nature tea shop
Business Strategy
Account Director|Liu Cheng I
Account Executive|Liu Cheng I
Copywriting Strategy|Liu Cheng I
Creative Marketing Supervisor|Liu Cheng I/Ku Yi hao
Planning Supervisor|Edison Chain
Research Supervisor|Ku Yi hao/Lin Hsuan Yu
Graphic Design
Art Director|Ku Yi hao/QF Liu
Creative Group Head|Liu Cheng I
Graphic Design|Lin Hsuan Yu
Typeface Supervision|Rainie
Design Director|Luna/QF Liu
Designer|QF Liu/ Ku Yi hao/Lin Hsuan Yu
Logotype Design|Selene
Assistant Director|Yang Yi Hung
2D Animator|Max
Motion Graphics|JJ
D.P. (Director of Photography)|Yang Yi Hung
Editor|Yang Yi Hung
Post-Production House|DADAO
Case Closed|2017~2024

“八曜和茶=爸要喝茶” cleverly links the brand’s main theme through homophonic wordplay. Not only is it memorable and humorous, but it also resonates well, successfully driving the brand forward.
“If even dad drinks it, then it’s good tea.” Because many people have the impression that fathers enjoy drinking tea, this increases brand identity and unifies the communication of Eight Dao Japanese-style tea with intergenerational memories, making it easier to resonate with the target audience. “Creating a new generation of Japanese-style tea – the natural, caffeine-free Eight Dao Days” connects commercial branding operations and offline promotional activities, leaving a lasting impression.
The Da Dao International team combines the advantages of homophonic marketing with “entertainment value and shareability,” and through “shared humor points to increase resonance” and “increased interactivity through community characteristics.” They create exciting content and materials on social media, guiding the audience to develop a fondness and affinity for the brand.

Produced|Hachiyo nature tea shop
Business Strategy
Account Director|Liu Cheng I
Account Executive|Liu Cheng I
Copywriting Strategy|Liu Cheng I
Creative Marketing Supervisor|Liu Cheng I/Ku Yi hao
Planning Supervisor|Edison Chain
Research Supervisor|Ku Yi hao/Lin Hsuan Yu
Graphic Design
Art Director|Ku Yi hao/QF Liu
Creative Group Head|Liu Cheng I
Graphic Design|Lin Hsuan Yu
Typeface Supervision|Rainie
Design Director|Luna/QF Liu
Designer|QF Liu/ Ku Yi hao/Lin Hsuan Yu
Logotype Design|Selene
Assistant Director|Yang Yi Hung
2D Animator|Max
Motion Graphics|JJ
D.P. (Director of Photography)|Yang Yi Hung
Editor|Yang Yi Hung
Post-Production House|DADAO
Case Closed|2017~2024